Bike Fun is excited to be taking part in the open house at the New Beginnings Center in April. We’ll have bike info – getting the right style and size as well as buying one within your budget – and women-specific information on saddles, anti-chafing
Category: Basic Bike Information
Bringing Your Bike with You – Let Us Count (and Compare) the Ways: With a Roof Rack
Carrying guide: Inside | Carrying guide: Truck bed | Carrying guide: Trunk rack Carrying guide: Hitch rack | Carrying guide: Roof rack | Carrying guide: Spare tire rack Are you considering taking your bicycle with you on a trip? Whether that trip is to the
Bringing Your Bike with You – Let Us Count (and Compare) the Ways: With a Hitch Rack
Carrying guide: Inside | Carrying guide: Truck bed | Carrying guide: Trunk rack Carrying guide: Hitch rack | Carrying guide: Roof rack | Carrying guide: Spare tire rack Are you considering taking your bicycle with you on a trip? Whether that trip is to the
Bringing Your Bike with You – Let Us Count (and Compare) the Ways: With a Trunk Rack
Carrying guide: Inside | Carrying guide: Truck bed | Carrying guide: Trunk rack Carrying guide: Hitch rack | Carrying guide: Roof rack | Carrying guide: Spare tire rack Are you considering taking your bicycle with you on a trip? Whether that trip is to the
Bringing Your Bike with You – Let Us Count (and Compare) the Ways: In a Truck Bed
Carrying guide: Inside | Carrying guide: Truck bed | Carrying guide: Trunk rack Carrying guide: Hitch rack | Carrying guide: Roof rack | Carrying guide: Spare tire rack Are you considering taking your bicycle with you on a trip? Whether that trip is to the