Our amazing Bike Fun support community for 2024

We’re thankful for our supporters in 2024 who’ve helped us create more opportunities for confidence building, friendship making, & bike fun in Middle Tennessee!

Looking at these lists compared to last year and it’s as if we’ve doubled our in-kind and financial support, increased event capacity through awesome volunteers, and just generally GREW a lot. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Taylor Wright stands beside 1 of 2 truckloads of bicycles & supplies going to Holladay Elementary School in Holladay, TN.
Taylor Wright stands beside 1 of 2 truckloads of bicycles & supplies going to Holladay Elementary School in Holladay, TN.

Location & event partners

Bellevue UMC
Brooklyn Heights Community Garden
Cosecha Community Development
Fairpointe Planning
Friends of Shelby Park & Bottoms
Friends of Green Hills Park
Holladay Elementary School
Inglewood Elementary School
LDA Engineering
MyCity Academy - Mayor’s Office
Nashville Department of Transportation
Oasis Bike Workshop
REI Brentwood
St. James the Less
South Inglewood Community Center
Trinity Community Commons
Walk Bike Nashville
Whitsett Elementary School
Woodbine UMC


Henry Chaney
Joyce Dierschke
KJ Garner
Emma Nolan-Abrahamian
Ashleigh Wilson

Board members

Jeff Brousal*
Amy Bryant
KJ Garner*
Carey Rogers*
Jennifer Stowe
*denotes officer


Lauren Allgood
Hutch Bailey
Rob Benshoof
Henry Chaney
Joe Chomiczeski
Maylyn Co
Amélie Deffrennes
Joyce Dierschke
Beth Pride Ford
Meg Garner
Rachel Hayes
Jennifer Kamper
Katherine McDonell
Taylor Mahan-Fredrick
Sultan Mohamed
Andrew Monk
Derek Morgan
Emma Nolan-Abrahamian
Brenda Perez
Jose Resendiz
Chris Siembieda
Susan Sloatman
Nia Smith
Jennifer Stowe
John Stowe
Chase Wilson

Patreon contributors

KJ Garner
Karen Harrison
Rachel Hayes
Angie Henderson
John Hickman
James B. Justice
Meredith Montgomery
Sara Morse
Baxter Rogers
Carey Rogers
Jonathan Wiley
Kathryn Withers

Community Supporters

8th & Roast (Bike Month site)
Bexley Silo Bend (bikes)
Biky (bikes)
Chowning Square Apartments (bikes)
Eco Cycles (tools, equipment, supplies)
Kroger (gift certificate for Bicycle Festival)
Muc Off (Basic Bicycle Maintenance supplies for students)
Nashville Department of Transporation (slow street staffing & permit for Bicycle Festival)
Nashville Public Library (donated helmets)
Oasis Bike Workshop (bikes, tools, equipment)
Patagonia Nashville (activity prizes for Bicycle Festival)
Rivian (bikes, accessories)
RydeSafe (safety/visibility equipment)
Safe Haven (bikes)
TeamBonding (bikes)
Trek Bicycle Franklin (bikes)
Vanderbilt University (bikes)
Walk Bike Nashville (bikes, equipment, cargo van)
Green Fleet Bikes (Bicycle Festival helmet giveaways)
Shelby Avenue Bicycle Company (Bicycle Festival helmet giveaways)

In-kind contributions (individual)

Jennifer Arick
Rob Benshoof
Brenda Blackmon
Lonna Christie
Sadie Cooper
Claire Cuevas
Lee Deneke
Geoff Dennie
Joyce Dierschke
Jen Wallwork Dominguez
Malori Futral
Jacky Gomez-Farfan
Teresa Graney
Sarah Gray
Tom Grooms

Karen Harrison
John Hickman
June Hill
Brittany Joyner
Ashleigh Kendrot
Jakob Lewis
Sean McKay
Dave Masino
Lauren Melancon
Derek Morgan
Israel Ovalle
Richard Radford
Frances Sewell
Connie Sharkey
Kayley Walsh
Linda Weir
Ginny Welsch
Tommye Working
Jon Wren

Financial contributions

Jennifer Arick
Ember Barker
Rob Benshoof
Steve Burnett
Lonna Christie
Valencia Clark
Bill Crump
Redina Cruz
Meg DeLong
Jen Wallwork Dominguez
Mary Grace Donaldson
Braxton Felts
Amy Fisher
Dara Freiberg
KJ Garner
Katherine Gifford
Airstream Goomdowski
Teresa Graney
Lindsey Hammonds
Greg Harris
Karen Harrison
Shannon Hart
Elizabeth Hasebroock
Rachel Hayes
Emily Henson
Angie Henderson
John Hickman
Chuck Irestone
Mary Johnston
James B. Justice


Kirk Kerensky
Joey Kirby
Koby Langner
Katherine McDonell
Lauren Melancon
Andrew Monk
Meredith Montgomery
Liane Moneta-Koehler
Sara Morse
Patrice Nelson
Megan Nichols
Hope Onuyekuba Okoroafo
Carey Rogers
Baxter Rogers
Nick Royall
Emily Rutzky
Stacy Sartoris
Shirley Simmons
Daniel Simpkins
Jamika Smith
Tammy Smithers
Jennifer Stoloff
Patricia Tarquino
Kerry Tyler
Kim Unertl
Emerson Unertl-Coffman
Melissa Wade
Jonathan Wiley
Ashleigh Wilson
Kathryn Withers
Liz Zagatta-Allison

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