Pizza Party!!! bike ride will roll for a raucous celebration of all things pizza. Sat July 20, 7p, approx 10 mile bike ride. Street & greenway riding.

Creating joyful bicycle riders in Middle Tennessee
Pizza Party!!! bike ride will roll for a raucous celebration of all things pizza. Sat July 20, 7p, approx 10 mile bike ride. Street & greenway riding.
Pizza Party!!! bike ride will roll for a raucous celebration of all things pizza. Sat Oct 2nd, 10:30a, approx 15 mile bike ride. Street & greenway riding.
Pizza Party!!! bike ride will be held Saturday, May 3rd, starting at 3p and going til about 7p. We’ll visit some pizza joints and ride around Nashville.
Pizza Party!!! bike ride will be held Saturday, November 16th, starting at 1p and going til 5p at the latest. We’ll visit some pizza joints and ride around Nashville. Bring some cash to cover your purchases – Bike Fun will provide some free pies, too.